About Emma
My Story
Emma, fondly called “Christmas Baby” because she was born on 25th of December 2011 in the beautiful Caribbean Island of Grenada. She relocated to Australia in 2018 with her Nigerian born Grenadian parents Dr. and Mrs. Odubenu.
As a baby Emma was a very cheerful, active and had a lovable personality.
She started a formal education at three years of age when she enrolled at St John Anglican Primary School (Preschool) Gouyave, St. John Grenada. She later moved to Gateway Christian Academy St. George’s St. George also in Grenada. She is presently a year 4 pupils of St. Monica’s Primary School, Evatt, ACT, Australia. She started reading at the age of four.

"She was chosen to read passages and bible verses for the school by her teachers at that tender age because of her boldness and courage to make presentations before a large crowd."

As a five-year old child, she would make up short stories in pencil and paper and show it to her parents, who encouraged her to keep writing more stories. Emma enjoys writing poem as well. Emma’s poem was published on botanical tags in the Poem Forest at the Australian Botanic Garden. She has also been acknowledged for her outstanding writing by her school, in addition to her many other awards. She reads an average of two books a day, reading a book at every opportunity. Her interest and curiosity in reading have led her to create her own imaginative stories. She has written dozens of unpublished short stories.
Emma Odubenu has been involved in politics and was voted to represent her class (year 2) in the Student Representative Council after an outstanding speech during her campaign.
Emma enjoys playing with her siblings when she is not busy with reading or writing. She also participates in a variety of extracurricular activities including swimming, taekwondo, netball, and ballet dance.
‘’Stick Together, Family for Ever’’ is her first chapter book. Coming from a family, she cherishes so much and who loves her exceedingly, Emma was inspired to author this book so that her audience would know how important families are and that even at the hardest of times, when sadness or loss of a sibling sets in, they would be there